Wellbeing Coaching for an authentic, healthy and happy life.
ROOLA Workshops / School Talks
Thousands of Irish students successfully coached to date ..... Plant the seeds of comprehensive wellbeing now!
*** Workshop Rates dependent on student group numbers and school budgets ***

Stop Stressing and Start Thriving - A 6th Year's Guide to Better Results*
No. 1 Workshop for 6th Year Students
Thousands of Irish Senior Cycle students effectively coached to date.
Content: This workshop addresses the following student needs:
•I’m stressed about physically doing the exams
•I haven’t enough resources
•What if I don’t get what I want?
•What if I get what I want and hate it?
•I don’t know what to do with my life
•Is my dream too BIG?
•I’ve left it too late
•I find it hard to motivate myself to study
The workshop ends with the guided Meditation FOCUS from my Meditation Hub
Outcomes: *The Results we are aiming for are not just academic. It's all about the student fulfilling potential without risk to personal health and wellbeing. Through this comprehensive and engaging workshop students are empowered to find their place in the world where they can flourish.
Recommended Student Age: 6th Year Students

New for 2025/26
Content: For girls' schools.
Interactive, thought-provoking, and inspirational.
​​Outcomes: Students learn:
Where their personal power is created
How to make positive decisions
Releasing the roadblock of 'Not Enough'
Celebrating where they are now
Firing up FOCUS in all areas of personal growth
The workshop ends with the guided meditation ENERGISE from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended Student Age: 6th Year Students but can be adaptable for all post primary students

Wellbeing Coaching for Young Men
NEW: 2024/25 Academic Year
Content: This unique interactive workshop and motivational talk addresses the following student needs:
TALK – Teaching the students why it’s imperative for good mental and emotional health to TALK about feelings.
EXPLAIN – Coaching the students as they master the art of EXPLAINING why they are acting / behaving in self-sabotaging ways.
ASK – Flag when and how to ASK for help.
CARE – What self-CARE means. How to look after ourselves and others.
HELP– Learning how to help others along the way.
Outcomes: I've added this new workshop to address feedback from coached students over the past years. I find that obsolete and unhelpful definitions of what it means to be a man are still very present in our society. These limited ideas are creating disruption, disengagement, unhealthy relationships, addiction, despair, and poor quality of life for young men today.
It's time to call out these outmoded views and TEACH our young men how to evolve into fully-rounded citizens, courageous communicators, learning how to be comfortable with vulnerability as they step forward into leadership and collaborative roles.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation RELAX from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended Student Age: This workshop can be adapted for all post primary student year groups.

New Workshop 2024/25:
Empathy and Connection
1st Year to 6th Year
Adjusted for age and gender profiles
Content: This interactive workshop is based around real-life scenarios. It deals with:
Empathy towards self and others
Conflict Resolution
Maturity in Relating
Nuanced Living v Black/White thinking
Workshop format: The students freely engage and discuss the real-life scenarios, learning how to make better decisions in the areas of friendships and other relationships.
Outcomes: Students end up with a better sense of who they are and how personal actions and thoughts define the quality of relationships and also their place in the world.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation RELEASE from my Meditation Hub.
Interactive - Relatable - Fun - Engaging - Positive - Powerful
Recommended for all Post Primary. schools

The Big Step Forward
1st and 2nd Year Students
Content: This workshop addresses the emotional and social growth of Post Primary 2nd Year students. These students are exploring who they are by pushing boundaries, and taking tentative early steps into young adulthood. This is a pivotal time in their development.
Workshop focus is on: Exploring what true maturity means, how to create healthy relationships, managing conflict, taking responsibility for actions, and developing leadership skills.
Outcomes: Students 'zoom out' and see their lives and how they act as part of a bigger picture. They learn how to make good decisions, how to be inclusive, and become influencers for positive change in their class and social groups. It's about building solid self-esteem, courage, tolerance, and maturity.
Moving into 2nd year is the Big Step Forward in secondary schools. Let's give guidance and tools to inspire these young students to develop and flourish.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation REGULATE from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended for 2nd Year Students - Post Primary.

Wellbeing for Teaching Staff
Your Vision and Wisdom Define a Generation​
​Introduction to Holistic Wellbeing – the foundation of a healthy and rewarding life.
Re-engineering your lifestyle choices to suit your life's season.
Strength in unity – building meaningful connections with colleagues.
​How to fuel your passion for work and life.
Student Wellbeing – What students need. An overview of Student Feedback from ROOLA wellbeing coaching.
Designing your Bespoke Wellbeing Roadmap for work/life balance.
Learning to Meditate.​
Outcomes: Introducing Holistic Wellbeing to your School's Faculty. This workshop helps staff care for themselves in school and in their private lives. Renewing everyone's sense of purpose as educators and student supporters. Understanding key wellbeing needs of students and how to help support them. Reigniting joy in life and opening the door to a world of possibilities. Recommended for all School Staff.

Confidence is a Learned Behaviour!
Content: Our levels of confidence and self-esteem play a critical part in how we form relationships, communicate, make decisions, and take actions. These two concepts are at the foundation of all aspects of life. This workshop is designed to teach a student how to create and repeat thoughts and actions that will reinforce a confident attitude and build self-esteem. Students learn their confidence is based on what they say to themselves, what beliefs they absorb from their environment and the faith they have in their abilities. This workshop is fun, interactive and powerful!
Outcomes: The student begins an enlightened journey to develop, build and reinforce confidence and strengthen self-esteem. This is one of the most profound lessons any child can learn - how to reduce negative self-talk, to appreciate their unique qualities and the value that they, as individuals, bring to this planet.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation NURTURE from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended Student Age: 4th, 5th and 6th Classes. 1st Year Students.

I Am Powerful!
Content: Workshop designed for girls from the Travelling Community.
The workshop focuses on:
The value of education
The influential role that women have in their communities
Their power as mentors for the next generation
Identifying career and further study pathways for girls interested in personal development
Outcomes: The girls are inspired to complete their education, have higher attendance rates, sit exams, be role models for younger people within their communities.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation BELIEF from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended Student Age: Primary and Post Primary girls.

Winning at Sport / Winning at Life
Content: Teaching sports stars to consistently deliver a big performance on and off the pitch.
How to manage performance stress, neutralising self-doubt, developing motivation to train. Teaching the player 'how to think' not simply 'what to think'.
Outcomes: They will learn how to combine their physical brilliance with their mental acuity and intuition. The team or individual will understand how to bring forth their greatness as a player. They will learn how to build consistency around training and performance. The player/s will also learn how to manage disappointment and how to celebrate wins in a positive way.
Recommended to:
Any schools who are keen to improve their team and individual player performances - on and off the pitch. Especially beneficial for all-boys schools, teams, GAA clubs, individual sports stars.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation FOCUS from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended Student Age: All ages.

Interviews, Apprenticeships and Work Experience
Making sure the best of me turns up!
Content: Working with individuals and groups to build solid self-belief and confidence that will drive strong interview skills and positive abilities in work placements, apprenticeships and careers.
Outcomes: This workshop allows students, individuals or groups to identify how much they have to offer as employees. Unlocking the ability to communicate effectively in interview situations. To perform well in work placements, in apprenticeships and in their chosen careers.
Learning how bring confidence, resilience and courage to this stage of life.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation BELIEF from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended to:
LCA, Leaving Cert, TY students. Ideal for community groups working to get individuals of all ages back into the workforce.

The Art of Relationships
Content: Explore what a healthy relationship looks like. Understand your value as an individual. Learn how to establish helpful boundaries.
Outcomes: Learning how to express your emotional needs within a relationship. Understand the power of boundaries. Learning to let go with grace. Compassion is a two-way street.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation LOVE from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended Student Age: 3rd - 6th Year.

Managing Stress and Anxiety
Content: Stress and anxiety have become the silent and destructive companions of your generation.
Outcomes: Learn to monitor, manage and regulate negative internal dialogue. Develop skills to counterbalance overthinking.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation REGULATE from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended Student Age: 5th-6th Class / All Post Primary.

ROOLA Foundation Workshop
How well do you know yourself?
Content: All journeys begin with you. Having a clear understanding of your values, beliefs, motivations, goals and dreams allows you to live with confidence and purpose.
Outcomes: To develop confidence, resilience and self-esteem.
Recommended Student Age: 5th and 6th Class / All Post Primary Ages

The ROOLA Student Social Charter
Content: Guiding students as they draw up a Social Charter for the society they want to create while identifying the commitments they will make to fulfil these objectives.
Outcomes: The completed Social Charter will become a living document for the school. It would be amended and recommitted to each year. It would be something the School and students could share across Social Media platforms showing their conscious participation in their future.
NOTE: This is a movement for Global Change. It allows all Students to let the world know what they expect from Society's decision-makers as well as confirming the part they are prepared to play to support their vision.
Recommended Student Age: All Ages - Primary and Post Primary

Meditation Workshop - Bringing Calm to a Busy Mind
Content: Students learn to Meditate. They will gain insight into why simple, short meditations can calm, destress and focus their minds. Through guided breath-work and gentle instruction, students learn meditative practice.
Outcomes: To be able to generate an oasis of calm in moments of chaos. To understand the mind's ability to self-regulate.
Recommended Student Age: 5th to 6th Class / All Post Primary Ages

Connection and Friendship
Content: Communication is constant. You are sending and receiving messages, not just through technology or speaking but in non-verbal signalling. Develop your communication skills and learn how to express your feelings, personality and needs in a positive way.
Outcomes: Learn how to create quality friendships through developing healthy communication skills.
The workshop ends with the guided meditation JOY from my Meditation Hub.
Recommended Student Age: 2nd-6th Class / All Post Primary.

Integrating Students from Abroad
Content: This interactive workshop helps build meaningful relationships between Students entering a School from overseas and their Irish peers.
Outcomes: Welcoming new students. Building their confidence in their new school. Establishing valuable inter-cultural friendships. Allowing them to retain their cultural identity while finding a happy place in their new environment.
Recommended Student Age: All Ages.

Content: Resilience is a core strength you can develop to enhance your life experience, allowing you to cope with life's disappointments and difficulties.
Outcomes: Learn how to become flexible and thrive.
Recommended Student Age: 5th-6th Class / All Post Primary.

Relationship Myths
Content: Exploring societies myths around gender roles. Identifying the part you play in creating an equal society for all.
Outcomes: Expand your concepts of respect, tolerance and understanding around individual and personal choices.
Recommended Student Age: TY - 6th Year.

Goal Setting for Positive Change
Content: Explore what it means to have a purpose in life. Identify the goals that are meaningful to you. Understanding what will help you fulfil your purpose.
Outcomes: Each student ends with a comprehensive ROOLA Road Map showing their bespoke goals and milestones.
Recommended Student Age: TY - 6th Year.

How do I find my Path in Life?
Content: Life is a Journey. Getting on the right road makes your trip easier. One size doesn't fit All. You are unique; your life should be a testament to what motivates you.
Outcomes: Learn how to identify what career path you will be passionate about and how to take meaningful actions towards that destination.
Recommended Student Age: All Post Primary.

6 Steps to Joy
Content: Joy is always within you but it gets lost in the distractions of life. Often you mistake the search for the short-term feeling of happiness as your life's purpose. Once you experience joy and understand how to make it part of your daily life, your emotional, spiritual and physical life will improve.
Outcomes: Recognising joy and learning how to tap into it.
Recommended Student Age: 5th-6th Class / All Post Primary.

I am Enough - Empowering Women
Content: Celebrating your power as a woman. Valuing your strength. Accepting your body. Learning how to make positive changes that will transform your life experience and society.
Outcomes: Understanding the power you have as a woman. Going beyond self-imposed limitations. You are MORE than enough.
Recommended Student Age: All Post Primary / Girls / Co-Ed.

Toxic Masculinity? Start Educating Boys
Content: Exploring the concept of Toxic Masculinity in society today. Focusing boys on a healthy approach to living through emotional maturity, vulnerability, supportive strength, and positive actions.
Outcomes: Identifying how to allow space for all men to be fully-rounded human beings.
Recommended Student Age: All Post Primary / Boys / Co Ed.

Love our Planet - Small steps for Big changes.
Content: Guiding the students as they put together a programme of positive actions that will have a meaningful effect on the planet.
Outcomes: Students get to understand the power they have as consumers to effect change. The actions identified in this Workshop can be used as an Environmental Charter for your school.
Recommended Student Age: 1st-6th Class / All Post Primary.
A deep dive into the concepts of:
Who I am", "Relationships", "My power as an influencer", "Leadership with responsibility"
Each student though fun, interactive discussion and debate how they have power to create positive change within their social groups. They develop their confidence and belief in who they are.

Connection makes us Human
Check out my new suite of interactive workshops that teach students how to enhance, build and retain quality connections

Me and My Emotions
Check out my new suite of interactive workshops that helps students understand how to regulate and harness their emotions.
Enquire Today
For more information on pricing or to schedule a Workshop or Motivational Talk, please contact Mairead Moriarty