Wellbeing Coaching for an authentic, healthy and happy life.
Corporate Wellbeing Workshops / Seminars
Supporting your Staff through Wellbeing Education
Invest in your Employees' Wellbeing. It pays dividends.

One-on-One Wellness Coaching for your Employees
Book a package of one-to-one Wellbeing Coaching sessions for your staff. The coaching sessions can take place over Zoom, outside office hours, or in the office environment.
It allows for an exceptional bespoke response to an employee's emotional or physical wellbeing issues.

Coaching for Success
I provide practical and effective training/coaching for individuals and groups who want to succeed in interviews, create impactful CVs and job applications. It's perfect for anyone who wants to enter or re-enter the job market.
This is also an effective workshop / coaching session for someone striving for career advancement within an existing company or in a new environment.
My workshops: Build a candidate's confidence using life coaching techniques, teach good communication skills (written, spoken and physical presentation), help a candidate identify core strengths and unique skills and how to apply them to a suitable career.
I teach practical and useful skills to clients drawing on 30 years of corporate training experience. Adding my coaching skills to the mix, allows me to unlock a candidate's true potential in an engaging and impactful way.

Invest in Your Employees' Wellbeing. It pays dividends.
The right Mindset is the Foundation of all Wellbeing
The modern approach to wellbeing tends to focus on stand-alone elements of your life you may wish to improve: your fitness, your mental health, maybe specific medical conditions, etc. But you are more than a combination of unconnected components. You are a complex whole being. So any wellbeing initiative you take should come from a place that addresses your needs as a complete individual.
Getting the right mindset is your foundation for a whole-body system of wellness, allowing you to focus on the needs of your body/mind/spirit while pursuing specific wellbeing activities. In this workshop, you will identify how to establish a holistic wellbeing mindset to start your life-long journey to a balanced life.

Meditation Workshops - Choose from the Roola Meditation Hub
A meditative practice is at the centre of a balanced life. In this workshop, you will learn how to enter and remain in a state of relaxed Meditation. The workshop explains the real-time benefits of Meditation —understanding how a daily short meditative practice can positively alter your actions and reactions — ultimately helping you to find clarity in times of confusion and focus in times of chaos. The workshop leads participants step-by-step into a meditative state using guided breathwork and gentle instruction.

Change your Mindset / Change your Life
Deeply rooted negative beliefs can be at the heart of poor decision making and fearful responses in times of stress. Your mindset is a collection of these attitudes and beliefs determining your daily actions and reactions. In this workshop, we will challenge the accuracy and efficacy of maintaining your current mindset. It will allow you to hit 'refresh' on your approach to life, shedding old thought patterns and embracing an open and liberated attitude to living.

Rewirement: Preparing your Staff for Retirement
21st Century Retirement is really REWIREMENT. It's a time when individuals can define and design a new formula for living. This workshop is a How To ... guide to a fulfilling and purposeful 'rewirement'. You will complete a full Life Audit highlighting the capacity and scope of your new life stage and identifying practical steps to create a positive retirement. It explores the unique ways in which you can build good health and revitalise energy.
The confines of work are slipping away .... what will you do with your wild and wonderful life?

Self-Care: Top to Toe / Inside-Outside Review
You are your most valuable commodity. Your body, your mind, and your spirit combine in myriad ways to create your life. In this workshop, we look at how much conscious effort you are putting into self-care. The care you take of your mind, body, and spirit will pay dividends across all areas of your life. Self-care is the first indicator you give to the world that you value yourself: an individual entitled to respect, love and success.

Why Using Business Metrics to Manage your Wellbeing is the Road to Ruin
Any personal wellbeing initiative should be approached by you holistically. Applying business metrics to your search for balance and wellness is counter-intuitive. In this workshop you will learn how to put your business brain in neutral as you allow your intuition and self-awareness to draw the map and build your personal compass to navigate your unique wellbeing journey.

Time: Making the most of your most Valuable Commodity.
In this workshop, you will complete a guided Life Audit examining where you are currently placing your focus and spending your time. This workshop allows you to develop a comprehensive, holistic plan for yourself. Enabling you to identify how you can create the space to flourish and thrive.

Living your Values: The first step to a Positive Life Experience.
Your values are the principles by which you live your life. They define who you are. They are the foundation of your very existence - in essence, the house in which you live. This workshop will help you identify your core values and establish what lifestyle choices you can make to flow seamlessly with the authentic you. This workshop is the doorway to a guilt-free, meaningful life that is truly rewarding.

Emotional Decluttering: The Gateway to Positive Growth
Your emotions drive all of your actions: fight, flight, or freeze. These emotions are a byproduct of your thoughts - some self-created, others inherited from those we encounter as we go through life. In this workshop, you get an opportunity to hit 'Restore Factory Settings' and learn the art of wiping out those unhelpful beliefs and feelings that impede your emotional development. You will learn how to bring more affirmative thinking into your life that can nourish you emotionally, build confidence and raise self-esteem.

6 Steps to Joy
Joy is always within you, but it gets lost in life's distractions. You often mistake the search for the short-term feeling of happiness for your life's purpose. Once you recognise joy and understand how to make it part of your daily life, your emotional, spiritual, and physical life will improve.
This workshop explains the 6 Steps to Joy that will enrich your life.

I am Enough - Empowering Women to find their Voices
This workshop celebrates your power as a woman. It focuses on what you bring to your world. It helps you define who you are and identify your fundamental needs. Once you understand who you are - a nuanced and complex individual - it will enable you to give voice to your needs, boundaries, and expectations.
You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.
Oprah Winfrey

21st Century Man: The Brave New World.
This workshop allows men to redefine their concept of masculinity. It allows space for an open discussion around the role of men in 21st-century society. Participants can develop a new way of living and build confidence in expressing emotional needs and vulnerabilities. Men get to change their lives and be a beacon of change for the next generation.

Love your Planet - Small Steps for Big Changes.
This workshop drills down on the ecological and environmental impact of your lifestyle choices. You get to understand the power you have as a consumer to effect change. The key actions identified in this Workshop can be used as an Environmental Charter for your business.
Workshops - 2 hours minimum / Around 30 Participants Maximum
Motivational Talk - 1 hour minimum / No limit on numbers
Enquire Today
For more information on pricing or to schedule a Workshop or Motivational Talk, please contact Mairead Moriarty