When will you be good enough … for you?
By Mairead Moriarty, Holistic Wellbeing Coach, Motivational Speaker
One of the questions I ask in workshops with young women is:
Write down the thing you dislike most about your body on an anonymous slip of paper.
I collect all of the pieces of paper.
I then tell the girls that if I were to line them up around the room and randomly pick a piece of paper from the bundle, I would struggle to match the ‘body issue’ with the individual who wrote it.
I remind them of a great and true story. A very famous Hollywood A-list actress who had been awarded the title of Most Beautiful Woman in the World was asked by a journalist:
'You’ve been described as the most beautiful woman in the world, but is there something about your body you’re unhappy with?'
The actress replied: ‘Yes, there is. But I’m not going to tell you what it is.’
The journalist looked puzzled, so the actress explained.
“If I tell you the thing that I dislike most about myself, you’ll write it in your article. Anyone who reads the article when looking at any future images of me will focus on that feature. I don't want to make my least favourite feature the story of my life.”
Dear Women everywhere - please stop telling the World what’s wrong with you. Stop saying to your best friend in a changing room how awful you look as you try on clothes. When you get a compliment practice saying: 'Thank you, that's lovely to hear'. Let's end the unhelpful narrative that's sending wonderful young women for invasive surgeries to sketchy clinics in an attempt to 'fix' themselves.
Remember when people meet you, it's your energy that defines how they connect with you, not your physical shape.
Fire up your energy and start telling the World what’s right with you. Showcase your talents, your gifts, your compassionate heart, your intelligence, strength and humour.
When you are enough for you, you become enough for the World.
It's time to Shine - 24 Feb '24 - Brehon Hotel, Killarney - Tickets from www.roola.net or Eventbrite